Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Candidate for Mayor: The Forest Man

The Forest Man's promises:

1.For those of you who possess the courage required in the battle against "the bad guys", I will create an amazing school, where you will learn everything you need to know about the use and purpose of medieval weapons. Let's fight together to bring peace in our world!
2. Are you already tired of the indoor classes? Do you want something new? Well, I am pleased to tell you that I have the perfect solution: classes outdoors. Guaranteed fun and fresh air while learning all sorts of new things. Everything in my magical meadow, where the sun shines all the time.
3. And because I strongly believe in the connection between mankind and nature, I will organize monthly trips in the woods, to the most amazing zoos you've ever seen and, of course, to a lot of other special places of mine. Throughout all these years spent in the forest, I got to know this environment like the back of my hand. I can stun you by revealing new species of animals, insects, plants and so forth. Prepare to be amazed!
4. I am an experimented carpenter and my wish is to teach you everything that I know so that we can all keep our traditions and culture alive. Therefore, I will help the boys who live in our village learn the noble art of spear-manufacturing and, for our elegant ladies, I can show you how to make the most beautiful wooden instruments and decorative objects the world has ever seen, thus making sure that our land will be protected by strong, capable men and cheered up by our extraordinary women.
5. With me, I also promise that you will learn the best techniques someone needs to know in order to survive while fighting the wildness.
Nature is our mother and it can take care of us, once we get to know her. Join me and confront your fears!