Task 1: Leaving Earth discovering the Rainbow Village
You are a journalist who works for a famous newspaper.
Give it a name of your choice.
Using the information on the initial situation, write a short article describing what happened, how you escaped and how you discovered the rainbow village. Be creative !
Give a title to your article.
Task 2: Building our European Map!
My country
Skills : writing/reading an identity card (A1)/preparing a presentation of a country (A2) including the following data (population, capital city, main cities, famous places, major dates, famous people)
Language input : language of tourism/describing attractions, present simple, simple past
Task 2a : in groups
In each country, in groups organize a quiz :
Prepare three questions on your country
Post these questions on the twinspace (see forum below with folders for each country)
Answer each others' questions
Task 2b : in groups
Prepare an identity card of your country that includes the following information : 1) number of inhabitants, 2) capital city, 3) main cities (four or five), 4) major dates (maximum of five), 5) famous places (three or four), 6) famous people (maximum of five). Don't forget your flag !
Display only five criteria out of the six criteria. Leave one criteria uncompleted. Groups can choose different criteria.
Present your identity card in ppt.
Post it on twinspace.
Task 2c : in groups
In groups, read your correspondents' identity card.
Question your correspondents to complete the missing information.
Task 2d : in groups
Vote for the best identity card and justify your answer.
Task 3: On the doorsteps of the Rainbow Village!
Your teacher has created 10 groups.
Task 3a : complete the Rainbow Village Golden Book.
a) write a text to talk about you,
b) include the following information : first name, surname, date of birth, place of birth, brothers and sisters, country/hometown, physical description, hobbies/likes/dislikes, personality,
c) your teacher will collect all your documents in the Rainbow Village Golden Book
Task 3b :
update your twinspace profile. Using the text that you have written for Task 3a, complete your profile under twinspace. You can add your picture, if you want.
Task 3c :
a) your teachers has paired you with students from another country. They will give you a list of students you can work with,
b) choose one potential friend among this list. Only one person each time. Tell your teacher his/her name,
c) read his/her profile on twinspace,
d) draw your new friend's portrait based on his/her twinspace profile. Sofware allowed.
e) your drawing is included in the Rainbow Village Golden Group along with the text you have written in task 3a.
Task 3d:
a) using the information sheets of task 1, introduce yourself orally on a voki but do not give your name. End your presentation with "who am I?",
b) post your voki in the twinspace blog,
c) choose one profile on the voki,
d) guess who is talking.
Task 3e:
a) students team up again in 10 groups,
b) each group creates one new character with new identity,
c) each group creates an avatar,
d) each group saves his avatar and his profile in twinspace (the name of the file should include the name of their country and the number of the group e.g. Greece- group1.doc). All the new identities will be included in “the Rainbow Village WikiGazette”.
Task 4: And now..setting into the Village!
Task 4a: manufacturing of project scrap book, “The Rainbow Village scrap book”
(Potential cooperation with arts teacher)
This activity is to be initiated by the French students.
Each time a school receives the scrap book, its students write comments and adds their pictures. Then they post this scrap book to the next country. The scrap book should be kept for a maximum of one week.
The students take A4 white or coloured pages. They assemble them : they number the pages, they make four holes in them, if there are several sheets, a rope holds them together. They take pictures of the project members. They stick their pictures onto the A4 pages. They add written messages to comment their pictures. They collect all these documents (pictures + messages) in view of manufacturing a scrap book. They try to make their scrap book as attractive as possible.
Scan (or take pictures) of the pages you have added to the scrapbook (in case it gets lost !) and take pictures of your students as they are manufacturing their scrapbook.
Here is the ‘travel plan of the scrapbook : France-Italy-Greece-Turkey-Romania-Slovakia-Poland-UK-FranceThere will be a new folder in the staff room where all partners should send their school addresses.
Task 4b: designing of virtual scrap book, one scrap book per school
(for the countries with several groups, only one age group prepares the virtual scrap book)
(Potential cooperation with arts teacher)
1) The students take pictures of the project participants
2) They take pictures of their school (including places and people who work there)
They collect all these documents into a virtual scrap book under “smilebox”http://www.smilebox.com/fr/
4) They add comments and personalize their virtual scrap book
5) This virtual scrap book is posted under “who we are” on twinspace. Partners should embed their smilebox presentation in the blog. They can also add the photos they used to create it in the file archive under the blog.
Task 4c: manufacturing a model of the Rainbow Village
1) The students form up to 10 groups (preferably the same groups as in task 3)
2) Each student can choose his job : (see reference document : “vocabulary on jobs” left on the project “Language Corner” in our twinspace
3) Designing the village map :
a) each country/group (for classes with several classes) draws a map of his village with its streets,
b ) each country/group gives names to the village streets,
c) to bring this village to life, each country/group selects official and government buildings (for example, a townhall …) and shops (for example, a bakery …). Monuments can be added, if necessary.
d) each country/group places these buildings and shops on the map
4) Manufacturing a model of the Rainbow Village : this village should be environment-friendly. The teachers can choose between two solutions depending on their students'age and the ICT tools available at their schools. Potential cooperation with science/biology teacher.
a) students draw, cut and colour (paper and scissors) models of the various buildings and glue them on cardboard. Trees and rivers could be added. Potential cooperation with arts teacher.
b) students can design a model of their Rainbow Village using http://sketchup.google.com/. Potential cooperation with ICT teacher.
5) The students vote for the best model
6) Each country/group writes a leaflet for the tourist information board of their Rainbow Village including pictures of the model he has manufactured or a link to his sketchup model. This document should include a short description of buildings (including size, colour, material, number of floors ...) (see reference documents left in the project “Language Corner” in our twinspace “prepositions of place”, “model of description”).
7) The leaflet is posted on the Rainbow Village Log Book (e-book).
Activity 4d: electing the mayor of the Rainbow Village.
1) The students form 10 groups
2) Choosing polling rules :
a) Each group proposes five polling rules to be included in the Rainbow Village Constitution (on the forum)
b) These rules are then discussed with the other groups and five rules common to the village are chosen and defined
c) These rules are gathered in the Rainbow Village Constitution Book (an e-book).
3) Choosing a Constitution :
a) Each group proposes five rules to be included in the Rainbow Village Constitution (on the forum)
b) These rules are then discussed with the other groups and five rules common to the village are chosen and defined
c) These rules are gathered in the Rainbow Village Constitution Book (an e-book)
4) The students take up their new characters/avatars identity they created in the course of task 3. Each partner-country should propose its candidates to become mayor of the Rainbow Village among the new characters/avatars that students have created in task 3.
5) A programme is drafted and presented on bill/poster :
a) each candidate/avatar makes 5 proposals
b) each candidate/avatar creates his own poster
6) These bill/posters are gathered in the Rainbow Village Constitution Book
7) Each avatar-candidate (with the help of his group) orally presents his programme. It is up to each teacher to choose the delivery means : these speeches could be either video recorded ( to be watched by other students) or recorded using a voki or a video conference could be organized for the schools who want to and who have the tools. This recording could take the form each country wants ( for example, interviews by journalists from the Rainbow Village Gazette, or just speeches ...).
8) Within each country, the students vote. The results are collected by the teacher and the mayor is appointed.
2) each country writes a stanza (four lines) for our Rainbow Village anthem following this time schedule :
3) once the anthem has been written (original music will be added to it with the help of a music teacher), sing it and record it. You can also translate the anthem in your native language, sing it and record it in this version,too.
2) make your "virtual flag" with the help of a blank flag model (the model is posted on twinspace)
3) vote for the best flag
4) draw the emblem of the Rainbow Village with the help of a blank emblem (this model is posted on twinspace)
2) all recipes are collected in a recipe book (an e-book with photos, if possible)
3) during a virtual meeting, choose a dessert from another country, prepare it and taste it while sharing your impressions with your partners. This meeting should take place in the first week of June, as some of our partners will be on holiday in June.
This dictionary could travel as follows :
Task 5: Let's organize a party to celebrate the birth of our Rainbow Village !!
Task 5a : Now that your mayor is elected, write "the Rainbow Village anthem".
1) make your fellow citizens discover your own country's anthem. Add a link to listen to the anthem together with its background story.2) each country writes a stanza (four lines) for our Rainbow Village anthem following this time schedule :
- Romania : 1st stanza
- Poland: 2nd stanza
- Italy: 3rd stanza
- Turkey: 4th stanza
- UK: 5th stanza
- Greece: 6th stanza
- France: 7th stanza
3) once the anthem has been written (original music will be added to it with the help of a music teacher), sing it and record it. You can also translate the anthem in your native language, sing it and record it in this version,too.
Task 5b : your village needs a new flag.
1) study the symbolism of colours in flags2) make your "virtual flag" with the help of a blank flag model (the model is posted on twinspace)
3) vote for the best flag
4) draw the emblem of the Rainbow Village with the help of a blank emblem (this model is posted on twinspace)
Task 5c : organize a cultural event.
1 ) each country selects dessert recipes (maximum of two).2) all recipes are collected in a recipe book (an e-book with photos, if possible)
3) during a virtual meeting, choose a dessert from another country, prepare it and taste it while sharing your impressions with your partners. This meeting should take place in the first week of June, as some of our partners will be on holiday in June.
Task 5d : prepare " The dictionary of the Rainbow Village friends".
1) select a maximum of 20 words to be translated in all partner languages (possible words : 1) Rainbow, 2) friendship 3) nature 4) peace 5) freedom 6) solidarity etc).This dictionary could travel as follows :
- Greece
- Poland
- Italy
- Turkey
- France
- Romania
- the UK
Task 5e (not compulsory, to be done only if you have time): Organize a "surprise" for your partners!
For example, post a video on twinspace, send a card to your country partners as a token of your mutual friendship.